"Jag är röd till tårar och tackar Elon Musk som gett mig en chans att vinna detta" skriver hon på X efter torsdagens delvinst i målet mot förra arbetsgivaren Disney som kickade The Mandalorian-stjärnan efter att hon postat saker på twitter som filmbolagsjätten ansåg vara opassande. Carano stämde Disney med hjälp av finansiell backning från miljardären och Tesla-ägaren Elon Musk och nu meddelar alltså Los Angeles City Court att de gett Disney avslag på deras försök att få stämningen ogiltigförklarad. US District-domaren Sherilyn Peace Garnett säger bland annat såhär om det hela: "Disney did not have the right to dissociate its own artistic message from Carano's outspoken political beliefs."

Gina Carano via X:

"I am moved to tears. After a brutal 3 1/2 years, I am being given the opportunity to move forward in the court of law before the judge and my peers to clear my name. I am so grateful for this opportunity. What happened to me was unacceptable, absurd and abusive, among other things. It should not have happened to me, and it should not happen to anyone else moving forward. Let it stop here.I quite literally fought to get to where I got to in my career through intense ups and downs, and I'll keep up that fight to continue doing what I love. I appreciate all of you who stood by me and defended me, and I am so sorry that similar situations have happened to some of you. I want you to know that I see you and I stand with you. Thank you to elonmusk, a man I have never even met, who so graciously gave me a fighting chance. Thank you for standing for justice for all of humanity. May God bless you and your family for years to come because He has chosen you for such a time as this."

Det blir med andra ord rättegång och med Musks minst sagt väl tilltagna advokatstab kan det mycket väl leda till dryga skadestånd som Disney kommer att tvingas betala ut till Carano.


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